Windows 10 lock screen spotlight images not changing
Windows 10 lock screen spotlight images not changing

If you don’t like an image, you can tell by saying “ not a fan“. Microsoft will start showing you images for your new tab. To view the spotlight image for your systems lock screen background you can lock it by using Windows Key + L A New Tab Image Daily Here, you will see an option under background select Spotlight, this is will show a preview of how the screen will be displayed. You can enable spotlight that can change the lock screen of Windows 10 with a new image daily by setting -> Personalization -> Lock Screen. These pictures are downloaded from Bing and are displayed on the lock screen of Windows 10 OS.

windows 10 lock screen spotlight images not changing

Spotlight is a feature of Windows 10 which shows pictures and ads to the lock screen of your PC. This feature needs to be activated in the tab setting by an option known as “ Image of the day“. Microsoft is using the same spotlight like feature for its Microsoft Edge browser, it shows a new picture to the Edge’s new tab page.

windows 10 lock screen spotlight images not changing

Microsoft Edge new tab images from Spotlight New Feature! Windows Spotlight lock screen picture on New Tab for Microsoft Edge

windows 10 lock screen spotlight images not changing

the new update with Spotlight Lock Screen Picture on New Tab, lets users enjoy new images daily. New Microsoft edge users now will get new look screen wallpaper to their new tab, using spotlight.

Windows 10 lock screen spotlight images not changing