Star wars rebellion ship stats
Star wars rebellion ship stats

star wars rebellion ship stats

There’s a lot of personal opinion throw in too. The criteria for determining the ranking has to do with their look, their weaponry and, maybe most importantly, their impact on the overall Star Wars saga. While there’s a lot of solid ships out there, there’s also been some real stinkers.So, we’ve decided to rank every major spaceship in Star Wars, even including the ones that are no longer canon. The spaceships are usually of very high quality. For the most part, the quality of spaceships have been like the franchise itself. Just as there have been terrible Star Wars characters and inane lightsaber types, so have there been just shockingly bad spaceships.

star wars rebellion ship stats

However, not all spaceships are created equal.

star wars rebellion ship stats

The look of the average spaceship in the Star Wars universe is just as important to the franchise’s world building as more lore about the Jedi or the Force powers of the Sith. Star Wars like any good piece of science fiction has some tremendously designed and iconic looking spaceships. Though it might not seem it as they often get overshadowed by Jedi, The Force, and lightsabers, spaceships are a huge part of the identity of the Star Wars universe.

Star wars rebellion ship stats